
Callie Guthrie


Bib: 2220 Sex: F Age: 21 Residence: Dayton, OH




21.5M 38:26
18.6M 1:04:57
13.1M 1:11:22
6.2M 28:06
3.1M 28:01
21.5M 38:26
18.6M 1:04:57
13.1M 1:11:22
6.2M 28:06
3.1M 28:01

Average Pace

11:17 per mile (view kilometer pace) 11:20 per mile (view kilometer pace)

Age Graded %

45 percent (view time) 45 percent (view time)

Overall Place

936 out of 1249 911 out of 1249

Sex Place

273 out of 422 Women 265 out of 422 Women

Division Place

39 out of 54 Women in F2024 39 out of 54 Women in F2024
(See complete F2024 results)
Finisher Certificate
Detailed Results
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 4:55:17 11:57:42 13:43 936/1249 39/54 273/422 905/1249 8/76
21.5M 3:50:50 10:53:16 13:27 850/1221 37/52 241/414 818/1221 18/40
18.6M 3:12:25 10:14:50 11:45 839/1241 37/54 231/419 799/1241 3/113
13.1M 2:07:28 9:09:53 10:21 738/1203 34/53 193/410 662/1203 27/135
6.2M 56:07 7:58:32 9:03 624/1244 27/53 157/419 523/1244 8/35
3.1M 28:01 7:30:27 9:02 628/1245 29/54 155/420 511/1245 16/109
ChipStart 1:26 7:02:26 483/1249 23/54 121/422 121/1249
GunStart 0:00 7:01:00
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 4:55:17 11:57:42 13:43 911/1249 39/54 265/422 890/1249 8/76
21.5M 3:50:50 10:53:16 13:27 843/1221 35/52 236/414 803/1221 18/40
18.6M 3:12:25 10:14:50 11:45 821/1241 36/54 222/419 784/1241 3/113
13.1M 2:07:28 9:09:53 10:21 711/1203 34/53 186/410 653/1203 27/135
6.2M 56:07 7:58:32 9:03 603/1244 27/53 146/419 501/1244 8/35
3.1M 28:01 7:30:27 9:02 576/1245 26/54 140/420 491/1245 16/109
ChipStart 1:26 7:02:26 483/1249 23/54 121/422 121/1249
GunStart 0:00 7:01:00
Graphic Results
You placed 936 out of 1249 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by21.5M to FINISH

You passed 8 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 76 runners in the overall category

You placed 911 out of 1249 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by21.5M to FINISH

You passed 8 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 76 runners in the overall category

Race Summary




26.2 miles

Average Time



1249 finishers


821 finishers


422 finishers


5 finishers