
Steven Handley


Bib: 1020 Sex: M Age: 50 Residence: Wellington, OH




21.5M 37:45
18.6M 1:01:05
13.1M 1:06:16
6.2M 29:44
3.1M 30:20
21.5M 37:45
18.6M 1:01:05
13.1M 1:06:16
6.2M 29:44
3.1M 30:20

Average Pace

10:58 per mile (view kilometer pace) 11:06 per mile (view kilometer pace)

Age Graded %

47 percent (view time) 47 percent (view time)

Overall Place

988 out of 1591 989 out of 1591

Sex Place

710 out of 1067 Men 710 out of 1067 Men

Division Place

38 out of 61 Men in M5054 38 out of 61 Men in M5054
(See complete M5054 results)
Finisher Certificate
Detailed Results
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 4:47:19 11:50:09 13:14 988/1591 38/61 710/1067 906/1591 6/78
21.5M 3:45:08 10:47:58 13:13 914/1581 36/61 672/1060 843/1581 9/62
18.6M 3:07:24 10:10:14 11:03 861/1585 35/61 645/1062 792/1585 38/46
13.1M 2:06:19 9:09:09 9:37 849/1579 34/60 644/1059 756/1579 58/12
6.2M 1:00:04 8:02:54 9:35 875/1587 36/61 660/1063 784/1587 59/12
3.1M 30:20 7:33:11 9:46 952/1578 39/59 704/1058 828/1578 108/42
ChipStart 3:18 7:02:51 1015/1591 40/61 733/1067 733/1591
GunStart 0:00 6:59:34
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 4:47:19 11:50:09 13:14 989/1591 38/61 710/1067 908/1591 6/78
21.5M 3:45:08 10:47:58 13:13 917/1581 36/61 673/1060 850/1581 9/62
18.6M 3:07:24 10:10:14 11:03 864/1585 35/61 645/1062 807/1585 38/46
13.1M 2:06:19 9:09:09 9:37 856/1579 33/60 650/1059 773/1579 58/12
6.2M 1:00:04 8:02:54 9:35 902/1587 36/61 679/1063 810/1587 59/12
3.1M 30:20 7:33:11 9:46 949/1578 37/59 703/1058 879/1578 108/42
ChipStart 3:18 7:02:51 1015/1591 40/61 733/1067 733/1591
GunStart 0:00 6:59:34
Graphic Results
You placed 988 out of 1591 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by21.5M to FINISH

You passed 6 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 78 runners in the overall category

You placed 989 out of 1591 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by21.5M to FINISH

You passed 6 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 78 runners in the overall category

Race Summary




26.2 miles

Average Time



1591 finishers


1067 finishers


521 finishers


3 finishers