
Benjamin Scheel


Bib: 3592 Sex: M Age: 19 Residence: Stilwater, MN




Run 30:32
Bike 1:00:10
Run1 30:45
Run 30:32
Bike 1:00:10
Run1 30:45

Overall Place

591 out of 929 591 out of 929

Sex Place

360 out of 479 Men 360 out of 479 Men

Division Place

4 out of 4 Men in M1619 4 out of 4 Men in M1619
(See complete M1619 results)
Detailed Results
Location Segment Split Time of Day Pace Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Passed / By
Run 30:32 30:32 9:20:11 9:53 474/929 3/4 291/479 30/29
TRN2 2:53 8:49:40 518/929 4/4 284/479 4/8
Bike 1:00:10 1:00:10 8:46:47 14.4 MPH 678/929 4/4 408/479 7/174
TRN1 2:23 7:46:38 287/929 3/4 186/479 11/6
Run1 30:45 30:45 7:44:16 9:54 639/929 4/4 376/479 7/74
ChipStart 0:00 7:13:31
GunStart 0:00 7:13:31
Location Segment Split Time of Day Pace Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Passed / By
Run 30:32 30:32 9:20:11 9:53 474/929 3/4 291/479 30/29
TRN2 2:53 8:49:40 518/929 4/4 284/479 4/8
Bike 1:00:10 1:00:10 8:46:47 14.4 MPH 678/929 4/4 408/479 7/174
TRN1 2:23 7:46:38 287/929 3/4 186/479 11/6
Run1 30:45 30:45 7:44:16 9:54 639/929 4/4 376/479 7/74
ChipStart 0:00 7:13:31
GunStart 0:00 7:13:31
Graphic Results
You placed 474 out of 929 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed byRun

You passed 30 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 29 runners in the overall category

You placed 474 out of 929 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed byRun

You passed 30 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 29 runners in the overall category

Race Summary




5K Run
14.5 Mile Bike
5K Run

Average Time



929 finishers


481 finishers


448 finishers