
Rick Lambert


Bib: 530 Sex: M Age: 38 Residence: Tallmadge, OH




21.3M 50:31
17.3M 49:17
13.1M 11:31
12M 58:49
5.8M 52:27
21.3M 50:31
17.3M 49:17
13.1M 11:31
12M 58:49
5.8M 52:27

Average Pace

11:03 per mile (view kilometer pace) 11:09 per mile (view kilometer pace)

Age Graded %

43 percent (view time) 42 percent (view time)

Overall Place

557 out of 929 541 out of 929

Sex Place

395 out of 585 Men 386 out of 585 Men

Division Place

49 out of 79 Men in M3539 49 out of 79 Men in M3539
(See complete M3539 results)
Finisher Certificate
Detailed Results
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 4:49:17 11:52:08 13:38 557/929 49/79 395/585 695/929 11/39
21.3M 3:42:32 10:45:23 12:38 533/912 47/79 389/579 678/912 7/54
17.3M 2:52:02 9:54:53 11:44 480/918 45/79 362/579 644/918 3/66
13.1M 2:02:46 9:05:37 10:28 423/920 44/79 332/578 597/920 4/7
12M 1:51:15 8:54:06 9:30 421/913 44/79 333/576 598/913 7/52
5.8M 52:27 7:55:18 9:03 351/925 38/79 284/583 523/925 71/17
ChipStart 2:52 7:02:52 409/929 41/79 322/585 322/929
GunStart 0:00 7:00:01
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 4:49:17 11:52:08 13:38 541/929 49/79 386/585 678/929 11/39
21.3M 3:42:32 10:45:23 12:38 513/912 46/79 381/579 657/912 7/54
17.3M 2:52:02 9:54:53 11:44 466/918 44/79 355/579 619/918 3/66
13.1M 2:02:46 9:05:37 10:28 403/920 42/79 318/578 568/920 4/7
12M 1:51:15 8:54:06 9:30 400/913 42/79 317/576 562/913 7/52
5.8M 52:27 7:55:18 9:03 355/925 40/79 287/583 471/925 71/17
ChipStart 2:52 7:02:52 409/929 41/79 322/585 322/929
GunStart 0:00 7:00:01
Graphic Results
You placed 557 out of 929 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by21.3M to FINISH

You passed 11 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 39 runners in the overall category

You placed 541 out of 929 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by21.3M to FINISH

You passed 11 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 39 runners in the overall category

Race Summary




26.2 miles

Average Time



929 finishers


585 finishers


344 finishers