
Srikrishna Doraiswamy


Bib: 320 Sex: M Age: 32 Residence: Akron, OH




21.3M 42:09
17.3M 44:54
13.1M 11:16
12M 1:01:22
5.8M 58:55
21.3M 42:09
17.3M 44:54
13.1M 11:16
12M 1:01:22
5.8M 58:55

Average Pace

10:24 per mile (view kilometer pace) 10:35 per mile (view kilometer pace)

Age Graded %

45 percent (view time) 44 percent (view time)

Overall Place

495 out of 883 497 out of 883

Sex Place

353 out of 564 Men 355 out of 564 Men

Division Place

54 out of 80 Men in M3034 53 out of 80 Men in M3034
(See complete M3034 results)
Finisher Certificate
Detailed Results
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 4:32:17 11:37:05 10:58 495/883 54/80 353/564 670/883 37/6
21.3M 3:38:35 10:43:23 10:33 529/868 56/79 381/558 695/868 26/8
17.3M 2:56:26 10:01:15 10:42 544/871 57/79 393/559 722/871 21/10
13.1M 2:11:33 9:16:21 10:15 561/882 58/80 406/563 750/882 9/2
12M 2:00:17 9:05:05 9:54 575/881 60/80 416/562 765/881 25/12
5.8M 58:55 8:03:44 10:10 588/882 61/80 426/563 782/882 14/102
ChipStart 4:48 7:04:49 489/883 48/80 360/564 360/883
GunStart 0:00 7:00:01
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 4:32:17 11:37:05 10:58 497/883 53/80 355/564 668/883 37/6
21.3M 3:38:35 10:43:23 10:33 528/868 56/79 380/558 695/868 26/8
17.3M 2:56:26 10:01:15 10:42 546/871 57/79 395/559 712/871 21/10
13.1M 2:11:33 9:16:21 10:15 557/882 57/80 405/563 739/882 9/2
12M 2:00:17 9:05:05 9:54 564/881 59/80 409/562 755/881 25/12
5.8M 58:55 8:03:44 10:10 576/882 60/80 418/563 761/882 14/102
ChipStart 4:48 7:04:49 489/883 48/80 360/564 360/883
GunStart 0:00 7:00:01
Graphic Results
You placed 495 out of 883 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by21.3M to FINISH

You passed 37 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 6 runners in the overall category

You placed 497 out of 883 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by21.3M to FINISH

You passed 37 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 6 runners in the overall category

Race Summary




26.2 miles

Average Time



883 finishers


564 finishers


319 finishers