
Jan Stennick


Bib: 10768 Sex: F Age: 75 Residence: Oregon City, OR




24M 41:35
21M 32:02
30K 1:17:00
13.1M 1:28:40
10K 39:49
5K 39:05
24M 41:35
21M 32:02
30K 1:17:00
13.1M 1:28:40
10K 39:49
5K 39:05

Average Pace

13:17 per mile (view kilometer pace) 13:50 per mile (view kilometer pace)

Age Graded %

64 percent (view time) 61 percent (view time)

Overall Place

6896 out of 7144 6925 out of 7144

Sex Place

3039 out of 3182 Women 3053 out of 3182 Women

Division Place

1 out of 1 Women in F7579 1 out of 1 Women in F7579
(See complete F7579 results)
Finisher Certificate
Detailed Results
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 5:47:54 14:02:18 13:32 6896/7144 1/1 3039/3182 839/7144 44/8
24M 5:18:10 13:32:33 13:52 6938/7135 1/1 3062/3177 1002/7135 44/2
21M 4:36:35 12:50:59 13:35 6981/7142 1/1 3087/3181 1081/7142 30/5
30K 4:04:33 12:18:57 13:54 7013/7138 1/1 3101/3177 1097/7138 53/22
13.1M 2:47:34 11:01:57 12:53 7030/7131 1/1 3104/3174 964/7131 47/9
10K 1:18:54 9:33:18 12:49 7070/7140 1/1 3136/3180 914/7140 13/56
5K 39:05 8:53:29 12:35 7047/7132 1/1 3120/3174 1273/7132 39/342
ChipStart 14:26 8:14:24 6751/7144 1/1 2961/3182 2961/7144
GunStart 0:00 7:59:59
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 5:47:54 14:02:18 13:32 6925/7144 1/1 3053/3182 1122/7144 44/8
24M 5:18:10 13:32:33 13:52 6961/7135 1/1 3074/3177 1281/7135 44/2
21M 4:36:35 12:50:59 13:35 7003/7142 1/1 3094/3181 1411/7142 30/5
30K 4:04:33 12:18:57 13:54 7028/7138 1/1 3107/3177 1497/7138 53/22
13.1M 2:47:34 11:01:57 12:53 7059/7131 1/1 3121/3174 1571/7131 47/9
10K 1:18:54 9:33:18 12:49 7097/7140 1/1 3151/3180 2066/7140 13/56
5K 39:05 8:53:29 12:35 7054/7132 1/1 3120/3174 2937/7132 39/342
ChipStart 14:26 8:14:24 6751/7144 1/1 2961/3182 2961/7144
GunStart 0:00 7:59:59
Graphic Results
You placed 6896 out of 7144 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by24M to FINISH

You passed 44 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 8 runners in the overall category

You placed 6925 out of 7144 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by24M to FINISH

You passed 44 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 8 runners in the overall category

Race Summary




26.2 miles

Average Time



7144 finishers


3962 finishers


3182 finishers