
Rene Delia-Taylor


Bib: 856 Sex: F Age: 50 Residence: Canal Fulton, OH




25M 24:49
23.4M 20:25
22M 1:10:24
16.8M 39:08
13.6M 49:32
15K 21:42
7.5M 1:24:23
25M 24:49
23.4M 20:25
22M 1:10:24
16.8M 39:08
13.6M 49:32
15K 21:42
7.5M 1:24:23

Average Pace

12:30 per mile (view kilometer pace) 12:54 per mile (view kilometer pace)

Age Graded %

47 percent (view time) 45 percent (view time)

Overall Place

755 out of 964 762 out of 964

Sex Place

251 out of 353 Women 256 out of 353 Women

Division Place

27 out of 38 Women in F5054 27 out of 38 Women in F5054
(See complete F5054 results)
Finisher Certificate
Detailed Results
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 5:27:13 13:07:41 14:04 755/964 27/38 251/353 503/964 6/6
25M 5:10:20 12:50:49 15:31 752/956 26/37 251/352 513/956 6/9
23.4M 4:45:32 12:26:01 14:35 751/955 25/37 248/350 521/955 12/7
22M 4:25:08 12:05:36 13:33 754/956 26/38 245/350 527/956 33/9
16.8M 3:14:45 10:55:13 12:14 786/959 27/38 251/350 563/959 29/7
13.6M 2:35:37 10:16:05 11:35 807/961 27/38 261/352 589/961 17/4
15K 1:46:05 9:26:33 11:55 820/962 27/38 268/352 586/962 8/5
7.5M 1:24:23 9:04:52 11:16 819/959 26/37 270/351 582/959 28/50
ChipStart 10:29 7:40:29 804/964 29/38 262/353 262/964
GunStart 0:00 7:30:01
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 5:27:13 13:07:41 14:04 762/964 27/38 256/353 542/964 6/6
25M 5:10:20 12:50:49 15:31 762/956 27/37 256/352 540/956 6/9
23.4M 4:45:32 12:26:01 14:35 759/955 26/37 251/350 552/955 12/7
22M 4:25:08 12:05:36 13:33 764/956 27/38 250/350 554/956 33/9
16.8M 3:14:45 10:55:13 12:14 788/959 27/38 253/350 598/959 29/7
13.6M 2:35:37 10:16:05 11:35 810/961 26/38 262/352 613/961 17/4
15K 1:46:05 9:26:33 11:55 823/962 26/38 268/352 627/962 8/5
7.5M 1:24:23 9:04:52 11:16 826/959 25/37 270/351 637/959 28/50
ChipStart 10:29 7:40:29 804/964 29/38 262/353 262/964
GunStart 0:00 7:30:01
Graphic Results
You placed 755 out of 964 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by25M to FINISH

You passed 6 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 6 runners in the overall category

You placed 762 out of 964 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by25M to FINISH

You passed 6 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 6 runners in the overall category

Race Summary




26.2 miles

Average Time



964 finishers


611 finishers


353 finishers