
Kelly Carpenter


Bib: 299 Sex: M Age: 32 Residence: Waterloo, IA




20M 51:08
13.1M 50:51
10K 47:40
20M 51:08
13.1M 50:51
10K 47:40

Average Pace

7:46 per mile (view kilometer pace) 7:47 per mile (view kilometer pace)

Age Graded %

60 percent (view time) 60 percent (view time)

Overall Place

167 out of 1885 165 out of 1885

Sex Place

150 out of 1128 Men 148 out of 1128 Men

Division Place

33 out of 169 Men in M3034 33 out of 169 Men in M3034
(See complete M3034 results)
Detailed Results
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 3:23:05 12:24:53 8:38 167/1885 33/169 150/1128 386/1885 16/25
20M 2:29:38 11:31:26 7:25 150/1880 32/169 136/1124 366/1880 64/0
13.1M 1:38:31 10:40:19 7:23 218/1885 46/169 200/1128 513/1885 41/2
10K 47:40 9:49:28 7:41 261/1885 49/169 237/1128 675/1885 87/16
ChipStart 0:27 9:01:49 330/1885 52/169 287/1128 287/1885
GunStart 0:00 9:01:23
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 3:23:05 12:24:53 8:38 165/1885 33/169 148/1128 375/1885 16/25
20M 2:29:38 11:31:26 7:25 156/1880 33/169 142/1124 361/1880 64/0
13.1M 1:38:31 10:40:19 7:23 220/1885 46/169 202/1128 491/1885 41/2
10K 47:40 9:49:28 7:41 259/1885 49/169 234/1128 623/1885 87/16
ChipStart 0:27 9:01:49 330/1885 52/169 287/1128 287/1885
GunStart 0:00 9:01:23
Graphic Results
You placed 167 out of 1885 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by20M to FINISH

You passed 16 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 25 runners in the overall category

You placed 165 out of 1885 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by20M to FINISH

You passed 16 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 25 runners in the overall category

Race Summary




26.2 miles

Average Time



1885 finishers


1128 finishers


757 finishers