
Brandon Penkalski


Bib: 1579 Sex: M Age: 36 Residence: Milwaukee, WI




23M 53:58
17.1M 36:28
13.1M 28:37
10M 35:04
10K 58:23
23M 53:58
17.1M 36:28
13.1M 28:37
10M 35:04
10K 58:23

Average Pace

9:29 per mile (view kilometer pace) 9:31 per mile (view kilometer pace)

Age Graded %

49 percent (view time) 49 percent (view time)

Overall Place

482 out of 1419 487 out of 1419

Sex Place

356 out of 903 Men 359 out of 903 Men

Division Place

37 out of 117 Men in M3539 37 out of 117 Men in M3539
(See complete M3539 results)
Detailed Results
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 4:08:06 11:19:24 11:08 482/1419 37/117 356/903 697/1419 26/14
23M 3:32:29 10:43:47 9:09 497/1412 40/117 379/899 691/1412 118/4
17.1M 2:38:31 9:49:49 9:07 614/1403 58/117 471/895 844/1403 61/11
13.1M 2:02:03 9:13:21 9:14 666/1391 64/117 509/885 936/1391 65/12
10M 1:33:27 8:44:45 9:16 722/1384 67/115 543/879 974/1384 43/9
10K 58:23 8:09:41 9:24 773/1400 74/117 580/894 1041/1400 64/158
ChipStart 1:14 7:11:18 656/1419 61/117 496/903 496/1419
GunStart 0:00 7:10:05
Location Race Time Time of Day Pace Between Overall Place Division Place Sex Place Age Graded Place Passed / By
Finish 4:08:06 11:19:24 11:08 487/1419 37/117 359/903 694/1419 26/14
23M 3:32:29 10:43:47 9:09 499/1412 40/117 380/899 690/1412 118/4
17.1M 2:38:31 9:49:49 9:07 613/1403 57/117 469/895 829/1403 61/11
13.1M 2:02:03 9:13:21 9:14 663/1391 63/117 505/885 915/1391 65/12
10M 1:33:27 8:44:45 9:16 716/1384 66/115 538/879 949/1384 43/9
10K 58:23 8:09:41 9:24 750/1400 71/117 562/894 1012/1400 64/158
ChipStart 1:14 7:11:18 656/1419 61/117 496/903 496/1419
GunStart 0:00 7:10:05
Graphic Results
You placed 482 out of 1419 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by23M to FINISH

You passed 26 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 14 runners in the overall category

You placed 487 out of 1419 runners overall
runner image
graphic results background
passed by23M to FINISH

You passed 26 runners in the overall category

You were passed by 14 runners in the overall category

Race Summary




26.2 miles

Average Time



1419 finishers


903 finishers


516 finishers