Selected Race

                       Lake Minnetonka Half Marathon
                              Minnetonka, MN
                                May 7, 2017
                                Mixed Team
                               Relay Results

Place Bib    Name                Name                Team                   Guntime Nettime Leg 1   Leg 2      
===== ====== =================== =================== ====================== ======= ======= ======= ======= 
    1   4017 Rachel Lawson       Britton Lawson      Great Britton          1:42:26 1:42:20   40:53 1:01:28 
    2   4032 Jason Schanno       Michaela Mumbleau   Kicking Assets and Tak 1:49:29 1:44:31   49:28   55:03 
    3   4115 Ixia Leyva          Scott Thompson      Leyva Thompson         1:50:54 1:50:38   49:06 1:01:32 
    4   4058 Paul Olson          Lynn Olson          The Olsons- Not Marrie 1:53:21 1:49:22   44:59 1:04:23 
    5   4097 Missy Zabel         Brett Zabel                                1:53:35 1:53:21   45:54 1:07:28 
    6   4007 Michael Ratelle     Kaila Berg                                 1:54:40 1:50:36   47:03 1:03:33 
    7   4126 Amanda Kaufmann     Eric Kaufmann       Loony Bean             1:55:34 1:51:43   46:47 1:04:57 
    8   4080 Victoria Clausen    Steven Clausen      Chafing the Dream      1:55:39 1:55:09   52:44 1:02:25 
    9   1917 Jordan Day          Claiborne Pace Day  Woodfern Committee     1:56:05 1:51:28   46:43 1:04:46 
   10   4149 Heidi Larkin        Luke Larkin         Larkinator             1:56:55 1:56:44   41:43 1:15:01 
   11   4035 Jason Larson        Anna Eidem          Birthday Beer Bounders 1:57:03 1:52:46   48:39 1:04:08 
   12   4016 Nicole Larson       Trent Larson        Team Larson            1:57:04 1:56:47   53:55 1:02:53 
   13   4157 Dan Krone           Rachel Larson       Medina Maple           1:59:56 1:59:44   40:59 1:18:46 
   14   4005 Annie Himmelsteib   Scott Christensen   Chess & Peps           2:00:27 1:55:41   48:23 1:07:18 
   15   4102 Jayme Strom         Larry Olimb                                2:00:34 1:51:10   48:46 1:02:25 
   16   4056 Kari Raykovich      Patrick Steidl      Kari Raykovich         2:00:51 1:50:33   58:13   52:20 
   17   4038 Tami Clark          Mike Clark                                 2:02:11 1:57:36   48:49 1:08:47 
   18   4068 David Brown         Leesa Brown         Deli Double            2:03:05 1:58:49   49:10 1:09:39 
   19   4075 Ewan Goddard        Jessica Goddard     JEGod                  2:03:55 1:59:07   55:03 1:04:04 
   20   4027 Mariah Geiger       Zach Schwartz                              2:04:42 2:00:28   42:22 1:18:06 
   21   3292 Tyler Vint          Taylor Vint         Team Vint              2:04:43 2:00:16   48:17 1:11:59 
   22   4067 Joel Geisel         Brittany Geisel     Geiseltrons            2:05:59 2:01:19   55:11 1:06:09 
   23   1667 Krista Roering      Jeff Hunter         Krista Roering         2:06:19 2:05:50   52:07 1:13:44 
   24   4043 Kevin McDermott     Kristina McDermott  We Got the Runs        2:07:31 1:57:50   53:32 1:04:18 
   25   4084 Andy Beranek        Rochell Beranek                            2:08:37 1:58:36   56:12 1:02:25 
   26   4006 Matt Wroge          Dana Birkholz       Team Sweaty Mess       2:09:34 2:00:02   50:33 1:09:30 
   27   4057 Jeffrey Krech       Heidi Krech         ROUSes                 2:11:45 2:02:07   52:38 1:09:29 
   28   4081 Laura Herman        John O'Sullivan                            2:12:14 2:12:03   57:06 1:14:58 
   29   1638 Eric Flamm          Dena Flamm          Team Flammable         2:12:37 2:07:33   58:11 1:09:22 
   30   1635 Tony Raeker         Erin Windschitl     T and E                2:13:14 2:03:41   55:22 1:08:20 
   31   1857 Katie Knutson       Matt Knutson        Knutsons               2:13:19 2:03:32   55:02 1:08:31 
   32   1660 Joanna Brandner     Greg Brandner       Sampson's team         2:13:23 2:03:55   52:39 1:11:17 
   33   4070 Anne Savage         William Savage      Team Savage            2:13:32 2:03:40   56:41 1:07:00 
   34   4039 Laurie Olson        Byron Olson         Slow and Furious       2:13:40 2:08:47   53:16 1:15:31 
   35   4117 Molly Grisdale      Drew Sagstetter     Firework               2:17:13 2:07:20   53:43 1:13:38 
   36   4000 Michael Jacobson    Becky Jacobson      Jacobson               2:19:23 2:09:39   58:17 1:11:23 
   37    814 Patrick Paray       Nicole Paray        4512 Running Club      2:20:55 2:16:08 1:03:03 1:13:05 
   38   4154 Lindsey Else        Jaren Turley        Butt Sweat and Tears   2:23:48 2:14:10   53:22 1:20:49 
   39   4133 Nancy Mendele       Steve Mendele       Ralphsters             2:24:30 2:15:09 1:05:01 1:10:08 
   40   4109 Diane Wald          Dan Wald                                   2:26:14 2:15:55   57:02 1:18:53 
   41   4141 Barb Brown          Steve Brown         2Browns                2:27:10 2:17:12   59:38 1:17:35 
   42   4098 Paul Martinucci     Sara Martinucci     RunNucci               2:27:12 2:17:18   56:59 1:20:20 
   43   4061 Matt Jacobs         Joyce Jacobs                               2:27:17 2:18:01 1:00:29 1:17:32 
   44   4011 Jason McBurley      Gina McBurley       McBurley               2:27:21 2:17:23   59:37 1:17:46 
   45   4021 Joseph Pruis        Nancy Pruis         Scrambled Legs & Achin 2:27:33 2:16:50 1:10:18 1:06:32 
   46   4041 Alana Barnhart      Matt Whear          Young Life 2           2:30:26 2:19:46 1:11:32 1:08:15 
   47   4111 Stephanie Winters   Adam Winters                               2:31:28 2:21:33   57:09 1:24:25 
   48   4095 Kurt Kroll          Amy Larson                                 2:32:44 2:23:12   59:48 1:23:24 
   49   4087 Lauren Schimpf      Mike Schimpf        Quarter Asian          2:32:59 2:22:31   58:35 1:23:56 
   50   4103 Rebecca Devine      Josh Malwitz        J.M.R.D. Just My Runni 2:33:18 2:23:34 1:00:32 1:23:03 
   51   4079 Beth Allen          Kurt Wolff          Wolff Allen            2:33:34 2:22:39 1:03:57 1:18:43 
   52   4025 Anna Todd           Alan Burton         Team Awesome           2:35:07 2:24:22 1:05:02 1:19:20 
   53   1938 Kristen Ostendorf   William Hudson      Ok, I'll Do the Long H 2:36:58 2:26:47   58:28 1:28:19 
   54   4064 Ellie Johnson       Nelson Hunstad      nellie&ellie           2:40:32 2:30:05 1:10:22 1:19:43 
   55   4065 Jackie Johnson      Tom Johnson         Team Johnson 2017      2:40:32 2:30:05 1:10:22 1:19:43 
   56   4033 Eric Alexander      Mara Alexander      Tupac Lives            2:41:35 2:31:09 1:00:04 1:31:05 
   57   4037 Barb Schwartz       Nick Schwartz       I thought you said RUM 2:42:53 2:32:21 1:06:48 1:25:33 
   58   4036 Mike Schwartz       Lizzy Schwartz      Team Damage Control    2:42:57 2:32:24 1:06:46 1:25:38 
   59   4122 Eric Ziegler        Rebecca Ziegler                            2:45:48 2:35:08 1:11:41 1:23:27 
   60   1989 Missy Boser         Tim Steege          Nighthawk              2:48:53 2:38:13 1:20:52 1:17:21 
   61   2094 Brian Lamotte       Jamie Lamotte       Woodsmen Creations LLC 2:55:04 2:45:12 1:22:07 1:23:06 
   62   2138 Mike Kretsinger     Jolee Kretsinger    MJ Kretsinger                          1:02:21         
   63   4146 Kelsey Strozyk      Garrett Meyer       Half Awesome                             57:09         
   64   4008 Paul Freher         Becky Hanson        Fight Club                             1:01:43         
   65   4110 Roger Fossum        Pam Buth            P&R Team World Vision                  1:07:18         

                       Lake Minnetonka Half Marathon
                              Minnetonka, MN
                                May 7, 2017
                                Womens Team
                               Relay Results

Place Bib    Name                Name                Team                   Guntime Nettime Leg 1   Leg 2      
===== ====== =================== =================== ====================== ======= ======= ======= ======= 
    1   4140 Carrie Gordon       Katie Oberg         Cribs 'n Bibs          1:36:19 1:36:14   40:05   56:10 
    2   4090 Aran Hartl          Kristin Nelson      Team Nelson            1:53:48 1:49:51   44:37 1:05:15 
    3   1868 Melissa Metzler     Ann Olberding       cedar lake warriors    1:57:10 1:52:30   49:33 1:02:58 
    4   4100 McKenzie Kramer     Elizabeth Carr                             1:58:31 1:54:26   46:01 1:08:26 
    5   4066 Melony Brown        Alex Brown          I AM Brown             1:58:59 1:55:12   43:24 1:11:49 
    6   4022 Lindsay Anderson    Monica MacDonald    Team Ashburn           1:59:45 1:55:59   45:29 1:10:30 
    7   4101 Leimomi Davison     Keri Weiss          MinnDiego Moms         2:01:23 1:57:20   50:45 1:06:35 
    8   4086 Jill Ronning        Shannon Mackenthun  WTF - Where is the Fin 2:02:07 1:57:30   51:22 1:06:09 
    9   4130 Christie Lockhart   Kari Beaton                                2:02:14 1:57:43   49:25 1:08:18 
   10   4129 Mary Joing          Allison Schmidt                            2:02:14 1:57:43   49:25 1:08:18 
   11   4148 Sarah Norton        Gretchen Fritz Hoxi Team MomStrong         2:02:28 2:01:51   51:20 1:10:31 
   12   4062 Lori Golightly Barr Linda Langkos       Lost in Pace           2:02:35 2:02:04   51:18 1:10:46 
   13   4046 Liz Anderson        Stefanie Anderson   Anderson Gyrls         2:02:58 1:53:34   53:20 1:00:15 
   14   1856 Michelle Ferber     Kelli Willems       Ferbilicious           2:04:44 2:00:58   42:57 1:18:02 
   15   4052 Amanda Cade         Gina Citurs                                2:05:06 2:04:40   55:38 1:09:03 
   16   1944 Molly Anderson      Makara Fairman      Sassy and Classy       2:05:15 1:55:52   50:58 1:04:54 
   17   4014 Madeline King-Ellis Elizabeth Lewis     Run Like A Mother      2:05:35 2:00:35   50:13 1:10:23 
   18   4142 July Hugen          Julie Sprau         J Squared              2:06:10 2:05:59   47:19 1:18:41 
   19   4099 Rachel Henning      Cassie Janke        The Finish Line is Clo 2:06:23 2:06:08   54:44 1:11:25 
   20   4125 Jill Verchota-Luce  Anna Terry          Dakota Dominators      2:06:24 2:01:48   47:06 1:14:43 
   21   4074 Alena Levina        Alena Johnson                              2:06:34 1:57:07   52:18 1:04:50 
   22   1887 Chris Franken       Susan Rudd          Team Trumpnomore       2:07:09 1:57:57   50:27 1:07:31 
   23   1996 Alyson Healing      Thressa Gustafson   We Got the Runs 1      2:07:32 1:57:50   53:31 1:04:19 
   24   4137 Kristine Greer      Katie Wilkins                              2:07:34 1:58:13   50:41 1:07:32 
   25   4112 Cayleigh Hickey     Taylor Hilbrant     Chafing Is Coming      2:08:06 2:03:54   53:09 1:10:46 
   26   4144 Tina Uphoff         Sara Uphoff         Girl Power             2:08:28 2:03:36   52:37 1:10:59 
   27   4091 Sonja Roy           Cathy Winter        Winteroy               2:08:44 1:59:21   49:36 1:09:45 
   28   3275 Marcia Mulder       Brittany Mulder Yam Team Empower           2:09:33 2:05:38   51:31 1:14:08 
   29   1985 Emily Brandt        Maria Carrillo                             2:10:09 2:05:23   54:02 1:11:22 
   30   4127 Wendi Weber         Anne Maus                                  2:11:05 2:10:34 1:00:47 1:09:47 
   31   1984 Dorelle Landsteiner Cindy Yoder Crawfor                        2:11:43 2:11:19 1:00:08 1:11:12 
   32   1871 Lisa Knutson        Francisca Villamil  Are We There Yet?      2:11:56 2:01:29 1:02:37   58:53 
   33   4156 Jackie Huegel       Kris Kratz          Team Huegel            2:14:40 2:09:33   58:47 1:10:46 
   34   4136 Angie Sterner       Terri Cunningham    MOTR Lino Lakes        2:15:54 2:11:32 1:06:24 1:05:08 
   35   4089 Anne Hall           Rebecca Schimke                            2:16:19 2:06:22   55:14 1:11:08 
   36   4158 Michelle Wolf       Sarah Urtel         Rwethereyet            2:17:57 2:08:38   49:36 1:19:03 
   37   1940 Joanne Newton       Melinda Spike       Last Best Pace         2:18:02 2:17:44   56:46 1:20:59 
   38   4044 Marisa Gregor       Whitney Carrane     Louis' Ladies          2:18:13 2:08:31   54:53 1:13:38 
   39   3293 Elaine Peet         Katie Kelly         Peaches and team!      2:18:40 2:07:54   55:26 1:12:29 
   40   4023 Kelsey Jacobson     Abby Werner         GVGals                 2:18:48 2:09:01   53:01 1:16:01 
   41   4092 Sara Aubitz         Debbie Broderick    Hornet Moms            2:19:04 2:09:43   50:53 1:18:51 
   42   1668 Sheri Houk          Gabrielle Houk                             2:19:16 2:08:49   52:37 1:16:12 
   43   4050 Chris Tymchuck      Clare Priest        10 Year Anniversary    2:19:19 2:09:04   58:17 1:10:47 
   44   1995 Jody Goudy Petrillo Denae Martilla      Easier said than run   2:19:24 2:07:05   50:35 1:16:30 
   45   4139 Ann Schular         Deborah Lensing     Waconia MOTR All Hustl 2:19:36 2:09:51   58:26 1:11:25 
   46   3291 Emily Hyland        Laurie Fickbohm     Where's the Finish Lin 2:19:47 2:10:11   54:19 1:15:52 
   47   4107 Sarah Harkness      Laura Metzger       Team Lakebridge        2:20:51 2:11:00 1:00:56 1:10:04 
   48   4031 Kay Gould           Jodi Hildebrand     Hey Neighbor!          2:21:08 2:10:41   58:54 1:11:47 
   49   4009 Tracy Johnson       Teresa Claypool     Runners for Sandy      2:21:53 2:11:58   59:35 1:12:23 
   50   4042 Beth Littlejohn     Kim Ramirez         Twisted sisters        2:22:54 2:13:22   58:58 1:14:24 
   51   1990 Jeanie Harper       Tia Harper          The Diva's             2:23:54 2:13:30 1:04:53 1:08:37 
   52   4132 Heidi Halley        Molly Anderson      The sturdy sisters     2:25:23 2:21:13 1:01:39 1:19:34 
   53   4118 Hannah Davis        Kourtni Danielson   Run Now Beer Later     2:25:32 2:15:46   58:29 1:17:18 
   54   4059 Karla Lasee         Katie Lasee         K Girls                2:26:17 2:21:52   59:04 1:22:49 
   55   2000 Erin Collins        Sara Keis           Highland MOTR Mom-Duo  2:26:30 2:15:41 1:01:40 1:14:01 
   56   4048 Michele Scott       Laura Feile         Run for Brunch         2:27:28 2:17:06 1:02:17 1:14:49 
   57   4047 Sarah Irwin         Amanda Miller                              2:27:28 2:17:05 1:02:16 1:14:49 
   58   4085 Suzanne Chochrek    Nancy Phinney                              2:28:47 2:23:37 1:06:17 1:17:21 
   59   4134 Nicole Carlson      Elizabeth Marshall  MOTR Lino Lakes 3      2:29:46 2:25:24 1:07:21 1:18:04 
   60   4135 Erin Chapman        Tricia Prigge                              2:30:12 2:25:49   58:28 1:27:22 
   61   4040 Andrea Lewis        Erica Andreasen     Young Life             2:30:26 2:19:46 1:11:31 1:08:15 
   62   1634 Erin Erickson       Ginny Savaloja      Making running fun aga 2:30:41 2:20:24   59:54 1:20:31 
   63   4152 Deborah Pelkey      Peggy Swayze        Team Dee               2:30:54 2:19:44   59:16 1:20:29 
   64   4060 Amber Larson        Heidi Peters                               2:31:00 2:26:00   54:32 1:31:29 
   65   4128 Christy Speck       Rachael Simmons                            2:32:18 2:22:23   56:24 1:25:59 
   66   4001 Emilie Schmidt Howe Susan Craig         Wear Blue Run to Remem 2:32:37 2:22:17 1:02:43 1:19:35 
   67   4096 Katie Larson        Anna Abbott                                2:32:44 2:23:12   59:48 1:23:25 
   68   4116 Angela Sieber       Tracy Peterson                             2:33:44 2:23:54   53:06 1:30:48 
   69   4104 Angie McCoy         Lori Moon                                  2:33:52 2:23:19 1:02:07 1:21:12 
   70   4073 Sarah Brammer       Christine Rasmusson Rocket Queens          2:34:31 2:29:13 1:15:25 1:13:48 
   71   4049 Molly Gurtin        Brittany Kallman Ar Eastside Girls         2:34:44 2:24:20 1:00:46 1:23:34 
   72   4131 Joy Berwald         Suzanne Svendsen    Something Clever       2:35:45 2:31:17   58:43 1:32:34 
   73   4082 Darla Dejong        Denise Schnirring                          2:35:56 2:25:38 1:02:47 1:22:52 
   74   4051 Kristine Morrison   Amara Aramalay      Skipperettes           2:36:13 2:25:42   58:02 1:27:41 
   75   4121 Whitney Donohue     Holly Forsberg      We don't sweat, we spa 2:36:19 2:26:19 1:00:37 1:25:42 
   76   4108 Katherine Hallin Pa Abbey Hallin        The Hallins            2:38:48 2:28:44   56:27 1:32:17 
   77   4123 Meghan Lane         Carrie Smith        Da Lanes               2:40:15 2:29:43 1:12:47 1:16:56 
   78   4159 Kelly Hulke         Brenda Hulke        Team Hulke             2:42:35 2:32:24 1:05:32 1:26:53 
   79   4054 Taylor Hauge        Amy Hauge                                  2:43:34 2:33:27 1:12:55 1:20:32 
   80   4151 Katherine Paurus    Tina Schiffman      Team TK                2:44:59 2:34:36   59:48 1:34:49 
   81   4155 Crystal Squires     Megan White                                2:46:03 2:36:20 1:02:13 1:34:08 
   82   2082 Wendy Sylvester     Heather Olson                              2:47:21 2:36:56 1:05:07 1:31:50 
   83   4024 Christa Helegson    Casey Jarchow       It still fits!         2:48:37 2:38:06 1:09:57 1:28:09 
   84   4119 Kayla Schmidtke     Tammy Woehler                              2:52:00 2:42:20 1:10:49 1:31:31 
   85   4153 Amanda Schuster     Lindsey Slattery    Slatster               3:00:48 2:50:16 1:17:34 1:32:42 
   86   4093 Karen Buckeye       Rose Christensen    Team Zoom              3:18:50 3:13:58 1:14:16 1:59:43 
   87   4015 Kirstie Plows       Rachael MacArthur                          3:23:27 3:12:43 1:28:32 1:44:11 
   88   1924 Carolynn Stave      Alexis Eidum                                                 50:42         
   89   4034 Janet Peterson      McKenzie Froiland                                            52:35         
   90   4094 Beth Schutz         Deb Adams           We Thought They Said R                   56:54         
   91   4071 Sami Hackley        Esther Putzier      Teens on the Run                       1:01:42         
   92   4147 Lindsey Fedder      Amy Chi             Bengals                                  58:38         
   93   1988 Julie Wearn         Lori Arnold         Wonder Women                           1:30:42         

                       Lake Minnetonka Half Marathon
                              Minnetonka, MN
                                May 7, 2017
                                 Mens Team
                               Relay Results

Place Bib    Name                Name                Team                   Guntime Nettime Leg 1   Leg 2      
===== ====== =================== =================== ====================== ======= ======= ======= ======= 
    1   4069 Daniel Sanchez      Eduardo Cortes      Senseitions            1:45:38 1:41:22   41:48   59:34 
    2   1998 Brett Howells       Rob Howells         Team Howells           1:46:58 1:46:37   41:55 1:04:42 
    3   1661 Alex Hein           Craig Swanson       Scrambled Legs         1:48:19 1:44:17   43:18 1:00:59 
    4   4160 Matt Pelto          John Schultz        Tecmo Super Raccoons   1:49:38 1:45:15   47:37   57:39 
    5   4010 Joel Bachul         John Bachul         Jump Rock              1:52:53 1:48:00   48:17   59:43 
    6   4088 Sean Leighton       Patrick Woerner     Cargill Clydesdales    1:53:09 1:48:55   48:55 1:00:00 
    7   4063 Jacob Leeling       Lee George          Hitch-n-Gitty up       1:54:04 1:50:20   48:49 1:01:31 
    8   4045 Troy Anderson       Mike Baker          Miktro                 1:58:59 1:54:49   44:54 1:09:55 
    9   4072 Ted Chen            Matt Freshwater     Ireland                2:06:10 2:01:23   48:31 1:12:52 
   10   4055 Tim Luehmann        John Freemark       WINE CLUB RUNNERS      2:10:50 2:06:07   50:40 1:15:27 
   11   4113 Scott Benson        Joe Andrews         Benson/Andrews         2:14:04 2:13:32   53:07 1:20:26 
   12   4150 Kevin Hoeger        Michael Heimkes     Prestige World Wide    2:17:35 2:07:40   59:26 1:08:14 
   13   4138 Scott Wilkins       Andrew Schular      Team RamRod            2:19:35 2:09:50   58:26 1:11:24 
   14   4077 Suneel Kumar Mallel Satishkumar Harikri                        2:20:46 2:11:04   51:35 1:19:29 

Race Summary




13.1 miles
Results Question?